I'm sending this video out while a huge storm 100 mile hr winds are batterring all around out cliff top house.. But the winds have not touched or banged our windows once.. The Quantum vortex command has worked for over 13 months now. If you see the black marker on my fingers, I was just writting on the white board & didnt see the black marks till after the video :)
Some of your Divine Creator Powers & Quantum DNA abilities
The user can sense, create, shape, and control weather.. stop thunderstorms, hurricanes, create rain, wind, hail, clear chemtrails from the sky, and command temperature changes.
The user can create, shape, and command quantum vortex and vortex-like phenomena, rapidly rotating spinning vortex of ether, air, water, space, time, etc
Some more of your Quantum Creator Powers
All Creation powers
Vortex Creation
Command over Elements
Quantum DNA Powers
Quantum physiology
Water benders
Alternate timeline shifting
Parallel reality creation
Remember, Switch on & Embody your Quantum Creator Powers- Online membership for starseeds & lightworkers that want to become the fully embodied Galactic master of their reality creation.
How to be the Sovereign Director of your reality - 4 part Free Training just under this video
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